9/11 was a false flag operation planned by Zionist agents: French anthropologist

TEHRAN - Laurent Guyénot, a French author and anthropologist, tells the Tehran Times that 9/11 was “a false flag” and a “network of super-sayanim closely connected” to the Zionists.
“9/11was an operation planned and executed by Zionist agents infiltrated in the highest level of U.S. administration and controlling the U.S. and European mainstream media, for the purpose of drawing the U.S. into wars against the enemies of Israel,” says Guyénot, the author of “JFK-9/11: 50 Years of Deep State”.
Noting that Zionists have a significant influence on U.S. foreign policy, he says "Israel, understood as an international community, is a parasite that has taken almost total control of American foreign policy.”
“Moreover,” he adds, “Jewish Zionists have acquired control of all major news media. They control the narrative. In these conditions, it is very difficult for U.S. patriots to expose Israel’s crime.”
Here is the text of the interview with Guyénot:
Q: Your book entitled “JFK-9/11” has gained a great attraction worldwide and surprisingly it was removed from Amazon. Please explain your motivation for writing this book?
A: I became aware of the gigantic lie of the 9/11 official story about ten years ago, as I was finishing my doctorate thesis on medieval history. I was appalled by the evilness of those who killed thousands of their own citizens in order to blame Muslims and to justify their neo-colonial wars. I decided to explore all the possible angles of this historical event, and I spent hundreds of hours reading books and searching for information in 9/11 truth websites, with the aim, initially, of producing a short synthesis for the French public, since the French are notoriously poor in the English language. As I tried to understand how a false flag of that magnitude was possible, I felt the need to study American recent history and became fascinated by the JFK assassination, realizing that the official lie concerning JFK was the foundation that made the 9/11 deception possible. I also became increasingly aware that both 9/11 and the Kennedy assassinations (John’s and Robert’s) bear the signature of Israel. So, the main focus of my book, published in 2014, became to expose Israel’s role in those operations, and the way Israel came to control U.S. foreign and military policy through such operations.
Q: Could you please tell us about the reactions to your book?
A: Predictably, my book was ignored by the mainstream media, but slowly gained notoriety by word of mouth, and became the best-seller of Progressive Press, with close to a hundred mostly positive comments on Amazon. A few months ago, though, Amazon suddenly deleted my book from all their sites, most probably as part of a general policy to censor books incriminating Israel.
Q: Do you think 9/11 was a terrorist attack? Please give us your reasons.
A: 9/11 was a false flag operation planned and executed by Zionist agents infiltrated in the highest level of U.S. administration and controlling the U.S. and European mainstream media, for the purpose of drawing the US into wars against the enemies of Israel. Osama Bin Laden had nothing to do with it, as he himself declared on several occasions in the Pakistani press.
It has been clearly proven that the official narrative about what happened on September 11, 2001, is a web of lies. For example, members of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth have demonstrated that it was impossible for plane crashes and jet fuel fires to trigger the collapse of the Twin Towers. It is also impossible that WTC7, another skyscraper (47 stories), which had not been hit by a plane, collapsed into its own footprint at near free-fall speed, unless by “controlled demolition.”
When we examine closely the profile of those involved in the preparation of the attacks on the World Trade Center, we find a network of super-sayanim closely connected to the Likud and to Benjamin Netanyahu. The most representative of this super-sayanim is, of course, Larry Silverstein, the real estate shark who, with his partner Frank Lowy, leased the Twin Towers from New York City in the spring of 2001. Silverstein is a leading member of the United Jewish Appeal Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York, the biggest fundraiser for Israel. He also maintained “close ties with Netanyahu,” according to Haaretz (November 21, 2001), to the point that “every Sunday afternoon, New York time, Netanyahu would call Silverstein.”
Q: What was the role of Neocons in 9/11?
A: Those who call themselves neoconservatives are Jewish crypto-Zionists posturing as American imperialists. These include dozens of high officials who took control of key positions under the administration of President George W. Bush. The most important were Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, and Douglas Feith in the Pentagon, David Wurmser at the State Department, and Philip Zelikow, Elliott Abrams, and later Eliot Cohen at the National Security Council. In 1996, the neoconservatives had founded the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), directed by William Kristol and Robert Kagan. They draped themselves in the super-patriotic discourse of America’s civilizing mission, but their duplicity is exposed in a document brought to public knowledge in 2008: a report published in 1996 by the Israeli think tank Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies (IASPS), entitled A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm, written specifically for the new Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, encouraging him to break with the Oslo Accords and expand Israel’s territory. The team responsible for the report was led by Richard Perle and included Douglas Feith and David Wurmser, who figured the same year among the signatories of PNAC.
“As I tried to understand how a false flag of that magnitude was possible, I felt the need to study American recent history, and became fascinated by the JFK assassination, realizing that the official lie concerning JFK was the foundation that made the 9/11 deception possible.”
Q: How do you see the relationship between 9/11 and neocons’ plan for the Afghanistan and Iraq invasions?
A: In its September 2000 report entitled Rebuilding America’s Defenses, PNAC anticipated that U.S. forces must become “able to rapidly deploy and win multiple simultaneous large-scale wars.” Unfortunately, according to the authors of the report, “the process of transformation […] is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event—like a new Pearl Harbor.” One year later, they got exactly what they needed: 9/11 was their new Pearl Harbor. Just two hours after the pulverization of the North Tower, Jewish neocon (Lewis) Paul Bremer, the chairman of the National Commission on Terrorism, appeared on NBC to compare the event with Pearl Harbor and name bin Laden as the prime suspect. Almost simultaneously, Ehud Barak was on BBC World to point the finger at bin Laden and concluded: “It’s a time to launch an operational, complete war against terror.”
Afghanistan was of no great interest to the neocons. Iraq was the first target, with Syria and Iran next on the list. That is why on September 19 and 20, Richard Perle’s Defense Policy Board met in the company of Paul Wolfowitz and Bernard Lewis (inventor of the self-fulfilling prophecy of the “clash of civilizations”) but in the absence of Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice, and prepared a letter to President Bush, on PNAC letterhead, to remind him of his historic mission: “Even if evidence does not link Iraq directly to the attack, any strategy aiming at the eradication of terrorism and its sponsors must include a determined effort to remove Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq. Failure to undertake such an effort will constitute an early and perhaps decisive surrender in the war on international terrorism.” This was an ultimatum. Bush was certainly aware of the leverage that the neocons had acquired over the major print and television media. He was blackmailed into endorsing the invasion of Iraq that his father had refused the Zionists ten years earlier.
Q: Near two decades have passed since 9/11, and many questions remain unanswered. In your view, why is the U.S. delaying the truth about what happened on September 11, 2001?
A: Israel, understood as an international community, is a parasite that has taken almost total control of American foreign policy. Moreover, Jewish Zionists have acquired control of all major news media. They control the narrative. In these conditions, it is very difficult for U.S. patriots to expose Israel’s crime. Many were hoping that Trump would do it. He knows, of course, that 9/11 was not the official story. On the very day of 9/11, he was interviewed, as a specialist of steel-framed skyscrapers and expressed his disbelief at the notion that the planes could penetrate the towers and cause their collapse. Unfortunately, Trump has not yet opened a new investigation, and I doubt that he will if he is reelected.
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